Utility Rate Increases Begin October 1, 2023
The City of Clarendon City Council approved utility rate increases at the Regular Council Meeting on August 10, 2023. The rate increases will go into affect October 1st and will be on your November 1st utility bill. The water and sewer rates increased 3% while the garbage rates increased 12%. The new minimum charge for all three services are; Residential $80.05, Commercial $96.17. This is the first increase on garbage since October 2019, and will also affect the gate fees and the Citizens Conveniance Center by 12%. Water and sewer rates last increas was on October 1, 2021.
The Clarendon City Council is very mindful of the Citizens financial restraints during this time that everything seems to be increasing and do their best to keep costs down and still operate the City in a forward motion. They do their best to fight for you and give you the best value of life and community possible.
The Clarendon City Council meets every second Thursday of the month in City Hall at 5:30 p.m., 313 S. Sully Street, and encourages all Citizens to attend and be part of your community growth.